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Setting Up Obsidian for Academic Work

For a little over a year, I’ve been using the free application Obsidian, which I’ve found to be transformative in my thinking and academic work. I keep encouraging people to give it a try as a platform for making notes, keeping track of information, making connection across ideas, synthesizing literature, engaging in research, and numerous other aspects of academic work. I’ll eventually make a post and page dedicated to Obsidian. For now, here’s a video I made recently that details how I set up Obsidian for academic work.

While Obsidian works great as is, I think there are some tweaks and approaches I’ve learned along the way that and make it work even better for academic work. Obviously, if you are using Obsidian or plan to use it, it makes sense to set it up in a way that works for you – but it’s not always obvious how take advantage of all the functions and plugins and possible workflows. So, hopefully you might get some ideas from the video that you can adopt or tweak to move your own work forward. Enjoy and please share feedback and requests in the comment section on YouTube.

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