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UK Curriculum & Cross Curriculuar Dimensions

Jonathan Savage has been writing an interesting series of posts on the cross curricular dimensions of the UK National curriculum. If you are interested in the design of curricula, or are curious about the types of things taking place in education in the UK, his posts offer a helpful look at how cross curricular initiatives can be approached in music education. So far he has addressed the following cross curricular dimensions: Identity and Cultural Diversity, Healthy Lifestyle, and Community Participation. It might be an interesting exercise to have discussions in our own music departments regarding connections we might make with these various areas. I remember having a conversation with colleagues once about a district wide initiative for all teachers to contribute to students’ “character development.” This was a couple of years after “writing across the curriculum” was initiated. Have you ever been asked how your music department can address a “cross curricular initiative” in your own school district? How would you approach the cross curricular dimensions in the UK national curriculum?

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