The Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research in American Music Education is now will be available May 1.
This handbook promises to be a wonderful resource for people who want to learn more about or are engaging in qualitative research in music education. For many, it might serve as a starting point for research projects to assist in their design and methods. The handbook addresses critical issues, specific designs and methods, and syntheses of qualitative research in music education pertaining to particular topics. The last set of chapters address the future of qualitative research for music teaching and learning.
I have a chapter in the handbook: Tobias, E. S. (2014). Collecting, generating, and analyzing multimodal and multimedia data. In C. Conway (Ed.), Oxford handbook of qualitative research in American music education. Oxford: Oxford University Press (pp. )
Here’s the abstract for the chapter:
This chapter addresses collecting, generating, and analyzing data contextualized through two key aspects of contemporary society and research: 1) the notion of multimodality as a way of expanding beyond text as the sole or primary way of situating, recording, and analyzing data and 2) the mediation of research through digital media and technology. Each section situates qualitative research as occurring within an increasingly digitized society, where even phenomena and data unconnected to technology might be understood through digitally mediated research methods. The potential for leveraging multimedia and multimodal data to better understand existing and evolving musical engagement is explored in depth. The chapter addresses possibilities and challenges related to developing systems and strategies for generating, archiving, organizing, accessing, and analyzing data ranging from video clips to participant-created imagery. Potential future developments and directions related to technology, digital media, and qualitative data are also explored.
The chapter might be helpful for people looking to address technology in their studies or include a broad range of data to better understand what they are researching.
The entire book is a tremendous resource to anyone engaging in qualitative research in music education and worth having in your digital or physical library.
Take a look at the following promotional flyer, which includes a code for 20% off when purchasing direct through Oxford University Press: