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EDM producing for music teaching and learning

Do you ever watch videos that feature musicians sharing their creative process? I find that listening to musicians speak about their music in connection with sonic examples helps expand the ways I think about and know music. It is also interesting to consider the format itself as a model for music learners to reflect on their own processes and share with others. This can serve as a great component of formative or summative assessment in learning contexts.

Consider the following video featuring Joel Thomas Zimmerman AKA Deadmau5 and Steve Duda discussing Deadmau5’s Imaginary Friends (hosted by Razer Music):

How might this connect to or inform music teaching and learning?

Here are just a couple of thoughts I jotted down as I watched the video (and I am curious about yours as well!):Read More »EDM producing for music teaching and learning

Hip Hop and Improvisation

The way hip hop is portrayed in the media plays a great role in the way our students and society in general perceive it. There has been an entire world of hip hop that has been left out of the mainstream media and that may soon change. The way rap is discussed in music classrooms can be greatly broadened if consciousness in hip hop becomes a part of the mainstream coverage of it and the conversations in our classrooms. Speaking… Read More »Hip Hop and Improvisation