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Students creating contemporary art songs….

Corey Dargel’s thought-provoking article on contemporary art songs gives some food for thought and has some interesting implications for our music classrooms. I’ve had some pretty good success with approaching art songs with my fifth grade general music students focusing on the Erlking by Schubert and ending up with students creating their own art songs.  After reading Mr. Dargel’s article I can see many ways to expand the discussion and listening examples of art songs I use in the classroom.  It is easy for students to view art songs as musical relics. By including some of the issues that are raised in the article in our own classrooms, there’s a good chance our students can better relate to the art song as a genre that is still evolving today and even see it as an expressive art form that they can actively take part in as listeners, composers and performers!

1 thought on “Students creating contemporary art songs….”

  1. Evan,

    Thank you for reading, and thank you for your invaluable contribution as a music educator. I’m honored that you were able to expand your art song examples and discussion after reading the article.


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