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Commission (or Compose) A Love Song!

Since for many, Valentine’s Day encourages expressions of love, why not address music’s power to do just this? Countless composers and songwriters have expressed their love for another or tried to capture the concept or feelings of love in their music. Contemporary composers such as Corey Dargel allow you to commission a love song after providing details which will end up in the lyrics of the song.

You can listen to a short program featuring some of Dargel’s past commissions on Studio 36o [display_podcast]

Perhaps your students might wish to compose a musical valentine of their own? On the other hand some students might have other feelings they wish to express on Valentines Day. Music might be one medium for students to figure out and express their feelings on a day that may bring about a wide range of emotions. Whether using a computer, guitar, voice or  any other instrument students may one day receive their own commissions to write love songs for others. Who knows, perhaps in a couple of years you’ll hear a commissioned love song composed by one of your former students featured on the radio!

Happy Valentines Day!

2 thoughts on “Commission (or Compose) A Love Song!”

  1. Once you get past the conventional expressions of love for Valentine’s Day – the dozen red roses, the box of chocolates, the flowery card – it’s amazing what you can come up with. Playing music the couple adored (one partner had burned the selections onto a disc) as they nibbled away at yummy takeout and reminisced over an old photo album.

  2. Love songs can be found in the histories and cultures of most societies, though their ubiquity is a modern phenomenon. A highly controversial and startling explanation of the genesis of love songs can be found in Denis de Rougemont’s “Love in the Western World”. De Rougemont’s thesis is that love songs grew out of the courtly love songs of the troubadours, and that those songs represented a rejection of the historical Christian notion of love. –…

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