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Let’s play! Learning music through video games and virtual worlds

Tobias, E. S. (2012). Let’s play! Learning music through video games and virtual worlds. In G. McPherson & G. Welch (Eds.), Oxford handbook of music education (Vol. 2, pp. 531-548). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199928019.013.0035 This chapter examines the ways video games promote musical learning and engagement. It begins by outlining the background and current scope of music-focused video games. It then situates video games in terms of new literacies. Next, it provides a theoretical framework that supports… Read More »Let’s play! Learning music through video games and virtual worlds

Expanding Secondary Music Curricula: A look at students engaging with popular music, technology, and creating original music

Tobias, E. S. (2012). Hybrid spaces and hyphenated musicians: Secondary students’ musical engagement in a songwriting and technology course. Music Education Research, 14(3), 329-346. A research article I wrote entitled Hybrid spaces and hyphenated musicians: Secondary students’ musical engagement in a songwriting and technology course is now available in the journal Music Education Research. Below is the article’s abstract: This case study investigates how secondary students (three individuals and three groups) engaged with music and acted as musicians in a… Read More »Expanding Secondary Music Curricula: A look at students engaging with popular music, technology, and creating original music

Project Based Learning & Music Education: Resources

The latest version of Edutopia focuses on best practices for Project Based Learning, highlighting a school that incorporates this approach to teaching and learning. Project based learning is an approach that works naturally in music education settings and can assist music educators in providing students with deep and rich engagement and learning that can be applied beyond the school setting. You might also be interested in Phil Greco’s (a NY music educator) Portraits of Practice, an excellent site that outlines… Read More »Project Based Learning & Music Education: Resources

Awareness of State School Board Association Perspectives on Music Education?

In December of 2011 the New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA) released a report entitled “The New 3 Rs: Reducing, Restructuring and Redesigning.” The NYSSBA New 3 Rs website includes the following text in refererence to the report: “The New 3 Rs analyzes the impact of the state’s new property tax cap on school districts, provides recommendations for state lawmakers to allow schools to operate more efficiently, and suggest ideas for local school boards to consider in order to… Read More »Awareness of State School Board Association Perspectives on Music Education?

Has music education changed since 1970? On students who rock. . .

David Bornstein recently wrote two opinion pieces for the New York times regarding music education. The first “Beyond Baby Mozart, Students Who Rock” focuses on Bornstein’s perspective on the state of music education and the Little Kids Rock organization. The second “Rock is Not the Enemy,” does a nice job of integrating a wide range of reader comments from the first opinion piece. In the first opinion piece Bornstein writes: Music education hasn’t changed fundamentally since the 1970s. Students are… Read More »Has music education changed since 1970? On students who rock. . .