Track 1: An interesting perspective to reference the next time you’re having a discussion about jazz and hip hop music in your classroom
Track 2: A post on being able to download free performances of Bach by the BBC
Track 3: The free open source recording and audio editing software, Audacity, was recently upgraded and has many new features!
Track 4: A new blog will be monitoring the aftermath of the SONY DRM fiasco
Track 5: The MENC open Band forum has a discussion about grading in band
Track 6: An interesting conversation on the MENC open choral forum on student controversy over the singing of a spiritual in the school chorus
Track 7: A discussion about what music should be performed on the “winter concert” in the MENC general music open forum
Track 8: The MENC orchestra open forum has a discussion that looks at what grade instrumental lessons should begin
A composer friend passed on that jazz/hip-hop link a while ago.. a piece in slate on the relationship btw jazz and hip-hop sounds like a recipe for disaster but that one was surprisingly sharp.