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CBDNA Report on Preparing the 21st Century Artist–Teacher

The College Band Directors National Association (CBDNA) report on Preparing the 21st Century Artist-‐Teacher is now available. The report is the result of two panel presentations at the 2014 Ithaca College Conference on Instrumental Music Education: Preparing the 21st Century Artist-‐Teacher. I was privileged to be invited to take part in this initiative and engage in dialogue with a wonderful group of people at the conference. The panelists, whose answers to a series of questions make up the report, included:… Read More »CBDNA Report on Preparing the 21st Century Artist–Teacher

Inter/trans/cross/new media(ting): Navigating an emerging landscape of digital media for music education

Tobias, E. S. (2015). Inter/trans/cross/new media(ting): Navigating an emerging landscape of digital media for music education. In C. Randles (Ed.), Music education: Navigating the future (pp. 91-121). New York, NY: Routledge. In the chapter Inter/trans/cross/new media(ting): Navigating an emerging landscape of digital media for music education I discuss three frameworks for making sense of digital media and how musical engagement can be digitally mediated in relation to music teaching and learning. The chapter starts off with a description of convergence… Read More »Inter/trans/cross/new media(ting): Navigating an emerging landscape of digital media for music education

Serial opera format as a springboard for musical exploration?

Allan Kozinn reports on the opera Vireo: The Spiritual Biography of a Witch’s Accuser composed by Lisa Bielawa, which will be broadcast over television or via the web in short installments over two years. I can imagine multiple ways students might engage with this as a topic or even the work itself, though I’m not yet familiar with the opera. The notion of creating music that can be shared in both a live setting (as this opera will be performed… Read More »Serial opera format as a springboard for musical exploration?

Music Education In 2030: Technology, Education Reform, Future Challenges And Opportunities

I am very much looking forward to joining former NAFME president Scott Shuler and Prof. of Music Ed at University of Hawaii in Honolulu, Barbara McLain, for our presentation “Music Education In 2030: Technology, Education Reform, Future Challenges And Opportunities” at the upcoming 2014 NAfME National In-Service Conference. Our session is an outgrowth of a set of articles we wrote in Arts Education Policy Review in which we reflected on Shuler’s prior predictions for music education and projected our own… Read More »Music Education In 2030: Technology, Education Reform, Future Challenges And Opportunities

Is it the technology? Challenging technological determinism in music education.

Ruthmann, S. A., Tobias, E. S., Randles, C., & Thibeault, M. (2015). Is it the technology? Challenging technological determinism in music education. In C. Randles (Ed.), Music education: Navigating the future (pp. 122-138). New York, NY: Routledge. In this co-authored chapter Alex Ruthmann, Clint Randles, Matthew Thibeault, and I provide multiple perspectives on the notion of technological determinism in relation to music education. Simply put, technological determinism is a perspective in which one argues that technology determines or causes what… Read More »Is it the technology? Challenging technological determinism in music education.